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"It's been one of the most beautiful days of my life… So much emotion and wonderment, a state of wholeness and harmony close to ecstasy. Thank you Julie and François, you are magicians of the soul."
Houda, Casablanca

"Thank you again for an inspiring afternoon last Saturday at Montclair State University. It was the 3rd time that I’ve had the honor of hearing you speak and it is more inspiring each time. I am so grateful for the work that you do in the world."
Linda, New Jersey

"Julie and Francois are two wonderful and very skilled therapists and alchemists.
They both have very warm, sincere and radiant personalities and make you feel at home right away. The workshop I joined was about (re)connecting with your inner child and inner parents, using one of the most powerful tools you can ever imagine: your imagination 🙂
You can always use and rely on this skill, where ever you are. The insights and techniques that are offered are so important, not only for yourself, but for the whole planet! Luckily Julie and Francois use their beautiful knowledge to educate on a global level too!"
Kirsten, Netherlands

“Well described and thought provoking & it touched the core of my heart & soul.”

"As professional life and executive coach in corporations and non profit organisations, and director of a school for personal development training specialized in coaching, mentoring and supervision in Brussels, meeting all those (inner) peace activists, ecologists, scientists, writers and humanists is an annual spiritual holiday that nourishes the rest of the year. It is a source of profound inspiration on human and professional level. As one of the keynote speakers of the conference, supported by the wonderful complicity of her husband François, Julie guided us in the world of a ‘mystical activist’. It was the first time I had the privilege to touch one 🙂 and to be touched literally and emotionally. She was not a boring abstract and far from the world cliché of the medieval mystic the one we had to read about at school in our Flemish country... on the contrary: with humour, and total simplicity, this woman, activist, with the authenticity of the Wounded Healer activated our mirror neurones and gave us very practical, easy tools to be used immediately in our practice and communication with clients in coaching and therapy, in groups to improve inclusion, with overstressed managers and babies, in our families, with strangers who need some comfort, with our life companion, in hospitals, in teams... in any situations where a system is overacting or in danger to do so, in order to prevent an invasion of cortisol and other stress hormones.

The only ingredients needed : quietness, 2 hands, an open mind and heart. You can even use this by yourself all with the sole purpose to increase the level of endorphins. And one can even make a healthy cocktail adding a rush of oxytocin by opening ones heart and love energy. The formulae is not submitted to copyright, this medicine is free, to be used without moderation, open to everyone, with no by effects other than a deep peace, connection and relaxation. I do not know the scientific name of this sacred remedy, Julie only used the magical term of GUILIGUILI ...and this had an ABRACADABRA effect on all the people of the conference. Each time I use it on myself even only in my mind, in one to one coaching, or in groups, the inner magic happens! Thanks, Julie..."
Daniëlle, Brussels